Thursday was the last day of school for everyone in my church youth group. We decided to bring everyone out for a game day blow out after they
got out of school. They enjoyed the gameroom, had some BBQ, played some basketball, went swimming in the 40 acre lake where I live,
and even did some karaoke with the MP3/Video jukebox. It was a great time to be had.
For Sale: Bump N Jump
Sometimes an arcade game has just gotta go.
Now take this little quiz.
Why am I selling a nice Bump N Jump arcade game? The game is not getting any love.
I need some cash for a new game.
I need some room for a new game.
Now if you guessed all three, give yourself a little pat on the back. Thats right, I just don't play this game very much, I need some cash and an empty spot
in the gameroom. Its a nice game, just not a childhood favorite.
After I first received this game, it was missing sound and the artwork bezel. I replaced the PCB with a working original PCB and purchased 2 different glass bezels for it.
Why 2 bezels? The post office turned the first one into tiny shards of glass and wouldn't pay up on the insurance. Hence, I had to buy a second one for it.
So I have it working and looking nice, what are you waiting for?
If you are interested, I am selling the game for $400 and also I currently have it up on Craigslist. Ahhhh...Craigslist...from Craigslist you came, to Craiglist you
go again.
Go Speed Racer
I picked up this kiddie ride last summer at an arcade auction. Unfortunately it has sat outside ever since. That thing is a monster to move, and of course it moved with me to the new house.
Apparently the previous owners of my house never heard of an outdoor outlet. Running an extension cord to the kiddie ride and taking off the outside tarp just so the kids can get a 15 minute
thrill got kind of old. Good news is that I was able to finally get my kiddie ride inside the house for all to enjoy. I did have to take the basement door off its hinges to bring it inside though.
So now the kiddie ride sits right outside the gameroom. All weather easy access make this a fun addition to the gameroom. I have to admit, I've sat
on it plenty of times and taken it for a ride.
First Family Gathering In The Arcade
This last weekend was the first family gathering at my house. The arcade and gameroom was a rousing success. As
you can see below from the pictures everyone enjoyed themselves. Even my new candy machine got a good workout.
Garage Sale Find - I Want Candy
For those who know their 80's music, the song "I Want Candy" was sung by a band called Bow Wow Wow. For those who don't know their 80's trivia I present you
with a nifty garage sale find. This is a Dual Candy Machine on a heavy duty stand. I've always wanted something like this for the gameroom.
This is my first gameroom garage sale find, and the best part is I got it pretty cheap.
When I got it home I started to clean it up. I had to take
it all completely apart because one of the previous owners left gummy worms inside which were melted and sticky all over the place. A little hot water and some
WD-40 and this baby was taking quarters and spitting out candy.
For now I have one of the containers filled with Skittles. I will eventually fill the other one with
Runts (a Willy Wonka candy and most definitely my favorite).
Snack Bar Area Finished
Finally the snack bar area is finished. I'm glad I went with all oak instead of pine or something else as there is nothing like a beautiful oak finish. Decorative oak square moulding was
installed in a pattern along the walls of the bar. I put a touchscreen Megatough Maxx Sapphire II (video game) on the left end of the bar, and an
LCD screen for a video jukebox on the right end. The bar moulding (the lip of the bar top) is very curvy and smooth and is custom made. Your arms and elbows rest comfortably
in the channels. The footrests are the perfect height and are equally as comfortable.
So far I have entertained the last 2 Fridays in a row and it was a
great success. The bar's finish held up just fine to chips, pizza and soda.
This coming weekend I have a large family gathering so it will certainly put the gameroom to the test. Just remember guys, food and drink goes on the bar, not
the pool table. NOT THE POOL TABLE!
I still have to finish the back bar where the sink is, hang a 7ft long mirror which I already purchased and also put in some shelves. I have setup a temporary
shelf in the back area to put my Pac-man and Ms. Pac-man collectible glasses on. I've had them packed away in boxes for the last year and a half. Its nicke to
finally get those things on display. Also underneath the back bar is a stainless steel mini fridge which is
already installed.
The gameroom is now getting its finishing touches and everything is looking great.